Our Mission
The Traditional Bowhunters of Montana is dedicated to the preservation and advancement of traditional bowhunting values in Montana. We promote high ethical standards for the hunting and taking of wild game by means of bow and arrow. The TBM provides fellowship to those who wish to pursue a traditional bowhunting lifestyle, and upholds Montana's traditional bowhunting heritage.
We educate.
We aim to advance our traditional bowhunting heritage through education and community.
We set the example.
We adhere to the strict ethical standards that traditional bowhunting demands. By ethically hunting and killing game with recurves, longbows, and self-bows, we set an example for all that you can do more with less.
We fight for you.
Our bowhunting opportunities are under attack. We stand firm in our roots and act as your voice in the fight for our beliefs at the state legislature and beyond.